Step 1:
→ A)
Select the seats you want to assign to a Hold or Kill.
Seats assigned to holds and kills are not available for purchase.
Open (offers) are seats available for purchase.
You can’t assign tickets to transfers within the seat map, their is a designated section for ticket transfers.
→ B)
Add more holds or kills by clicking on the + button.
There is no limit to the amount of holds and kills you can add.
→ C)
Add sub holds and kills by hovering your mouse over the hold and the option to add sub holds will populate.
Step 2:
→ A)
Drag the selected seats to a hold or kill.
→ B)
Move seats from one hold or kill to another seat by selecting the seats on the map and dragging them to a new hold or kill.
Click Apply to save changes or Cancel to discard changes.
A pop up will appear that displays how many seats you are moving from and to the new hold or kill.
Step 3:
When you are done managing your inventory click on the back arrow to be directed to the offers page and complete your standard admission offer.
The quantity of seats selected will be reduced from the open inventory.
Seats that are assigned to holds or kills still have a pricing level that can been seen in scaling.